Monday, 20 September 2010

Ahoy, maytes! Captain Jonah turning is 5

"You ARRR invited"

Had a lot of fun putting these invites together, THANKS Michelle for letting me use your cute pirate stamps!


oi, I spent a good half hour making a few pirate flags to hang in the yard (NoT thinking....I used acrylic on plastic table cloth) the next morning the paint was all flaking off.....never mind.


Some of the cutest RIF RAF I've ever seen :)

Another blunder.... everything was going smooth until I placed the lid on the back of the treasure chest cake.  Then it all started to crumble.  Um yea,  I was not happy.  Walk away, just walk away...

I guess it doesn't look quite as bad form this angle

eventually we just had to laugh because everything that could go wrong did.  So it's the end of July and only 15 minutes till the party starts and the wind starts blowing like crazy, then it starts to rain, not just rain but poor and then the rain turned into hail!  Soooo, we moved the party inside            

   F.Y.I the kids favorite inside the goodies bags seemed to be the sticky eyeballs!

"ready for my close up Mr De Ville"

Even with all the "drama" the party ended up being a great success!  It just goes to show that all the fuss that I put into the invites/decor/birthday cake and ambiance is more for me and my crafting needs then Jonah and his 5 year old friends.  

Oh my dear sweet Jonah, you bring a smile to my face!  I love your silly laugh and the way you crinkle your nose as you describe any and every situation.  I love how thoughtful you are with your baby sister Talula (I can tell you are her favorite:)  You are growing so big and strong each day I cant believe how independent you are.  I love you so much you are such a caring boy, often telling me "your the best mom ever", making me want to be better at being your mom.  I hope you have had a special day and know how much happiness you bring our family!  ((hugs)) mom

yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me

Sunday, 1 August 2010

30, seriously?

Just another birthday right?  Not when one is turning thirty.  At first actually the idea of it didn't even bother me.  I think mostly because I had my "break down" when I turned twenty; which sounds ridiculous I know but none the less is true.  Then about a week before the birthday I had a "moment" in which I had a glimpse of what age can mean... 
  I was coaching or I should say hanging out with the girls one Friday because they were having a going away party for one of their team mates.  As a going away gift Jason, one of the male coaches vowed he would perform a level 5 routine on all of the events.  First off was beam, I have to say I was somewhat impressed with his ability and effort in the dance and skill of the routine.  And then I had a flash back to when I was 10 and we had just finished a gymnastics meet and were waiting for the award ceremony when a coach Paul Hunt (former male gymnast) entertained us as "Paulina".  He was hilarious to watch words can't even describe the routines he performed.  Anyway, at that moment I turned to the girl sitting next to me and asked her:  what happened to Paul Hunt?  "Who" she asked...  Are you serious, none of the girls there knew who Paul Hunt was, could not relate to me at all.  I was freaking out (inside).  Could I be that old?  Is Paul Hunt dead?  Someone has to know what I'm talking about!  And yes, I eventually found another "mature" uhum older coach who remembered Paul and no, he is not dead however he no longer performs as Paulina:) 
 If you ask me life is a bit crazy.  Why in the world did I ever think thirty year olds' were old?  I had a little bit of a shock about turning thirty and then I got on with it.  Besides, I have spoken to many adults who have said life just gets better with age.  And I figure that's a pretty good motto to live by.  

Dave is the sweetest husband and really went all out to make my birthday special.  When I awoke that morning on the table was a vase full of beautiful roses and a card in which he encouraged me to go out and do the things I love but don't get to do with the kids.  I didn't need to be told more then once so, I headed to one of my favorite craft stores and took my time perusing the isles looking for a project to take home.  I eventually picked out a wall hanging embodiery pattern, the floss needed and a bag of my favorite pretzel M&M's.  The afternoon was spent chatting with my grandparents, looking through magazines and books and recieving fun letters and pictures from the kids.  That evening my parents watched the kids while we got dressed up for a fancy dinner.      


  However, before dinner Dave supprised me by taking me to one of my FAVORITE clothing stores 'anthropology'.  I rarely shop there because of prices but I LoVe their clothes & the store itself is very "artsy" they change the decore every season.  Anyways, Dave gave me a gift card as we arrived and let me go.... 

I felt like a kid in a candy shop, I praticaly ran from rack to rack trying to decide what I was going to take home.  I finnally settled on these:                                                                        

                                                             This fabulous shirt & these earings, except mine have a baby blue quarts gem hanging at the bottom instead of the turquoise stone.
Sooooo much fun and the evening had just started.  After shopping we were off to La Caille for dinner.  YUM!

I must say going out to dinner with my hubby is one of our favorite "hobbies", especially when the atmosphere is just right and La Caille was full of atmosphere :) 

                                                                                    My view from our table to the right of me
view to the left

All over the grounds there were peacocks just weaving in and out of the tabels...Almost reached out and snached a tail feather for Tuesday but thought better of it:)

                                                                                The georgeous canyon was the view directly behind our table.
The darling man that spoiles me, I nominate him for husband of the year!

Seriously, he does so much for me and has always made me feel so loved & beautiful.  He is more then I deserve and I'm so greatful he is mine forever. 

LOL, Tuesday made up a birthday song that they all "rocked out" together for me that night.  Too cute, I love them to death. 

What a fabulous birthday!

Monday, 26 July 2010

9 wonderful years!

  Time is a tricky thing....I remember when Dave and I were newly weds and living in Monterey, California.  Dave was studying Chinese at the defense language institute, I was just settling in getting registered for school and looking for part time work. 
  We didn't have much, our dinning room consisted of an empty box with a table cloth thrown over it and two camp chairs beside it. It's amazing to think of how happy we were and yet it was a time when we had next to nothing. 

  As I reflect upon the years and all we have experienced together I become more aware of how special our bond is.  For me, falling in love for the first time, a year long engagement; apart most of the time keeping in touch through letters.... Our wedding day.  Exploring different parts of the country together, buying our first home, having our children and raising them together.  The sacrifices we have made together and individually for each other.  The fights and the making up.  Growing as individuals yet always sharing the growth with the other wether it be spiritual, intelectual or physical.  Discovering new interests together, we love picking out books to read out loud with one another or planning trips that we will take one day together.  I'm so greatful for the life we have shared and the woman I have become because of my husband who has encouraged me along the way.  
  Now there are many things I lack, and mistakes often outweigh the triumps however, there is one thing that I have done right and I am so glad I followed the inspiration I had 8 years ago.  For our first anniversary, like I said we didn't have much money so we decided we would treat ourselves to a nice dinner at a beautiful resturante along 17 mile drive.  However, in order to do this we made a rule that we would only give each other homemade gifts.  I decided to make Dave a memory box out of an old cigarete box I picked up from a shop and then covered with beautiful pictures of expereiences we had through the first year.  Inside the box I splurged and went out and found a beautiful small leather bound journal.  Inside the journal I wrote Dave a happy anniversary love letter and then included favorite memories that stood out from the past year.  I also promised that every year I would add a new love letter along with fresh memories we had made.  I'm happy to say that I've stuck to the tradition and that every anniversary I read to him my love letter and then we take turns reading through the memories we have made.  Some of them make us laugh and others bring tears of joy but everyone of them pull us closer together and remind of how our love has grown.        
Dave reading my love letter:)
Happy anniversary my love, you mean the world to me xoxoxox

I just love how romantic this picture is, taken in Edinburough for the military tatoo.... 

Sunday, 4 July 2010

summertime & the livin's easy

Our first camp out of the year and I have to say I think it's going to be hard to top.
  We found this field of poppies just down the trail from our camp site.  I think one of the reasons I enjoyed this camp out so much is because you can't find camping like this in England.

I have always loved poppies with their crinkly, floppy petals and bright colors.  Mother nature never ceases to amaze me and I was reminded of this as I looked into this orangish poppy with a velvety purple center.  The fact that they are complimentary colors all on their own... Amazing!

Tuesday and Jonah cooking up good old American hot dogs for dinner.  While the adults enjoyed chicken and potatoes cooked inside the dutch oven oh, and don't forget the cobbler! 
 It was delish.

Oh the simple thrills of being a kid, like sitting in your own camp chair! 
Why does life seem to lose it's charm as we get older?

Of course there were smores.
 Jonah is a messy kid any way, give him a gooey marshmallow and chocolate for dessert and we're talking a 10 wipe clean up.  :)

 ooey, gooey Jonah

Tuesday enjoying her smore
I remember as a kid being able to eat at least a half a dozen of these things....not so much any more.

Good morning, needless to say there was not much sleeping going on with miss Talula the night before.  Poor thing got sick and couldn't seem to get comfortable.  Aha! this is where our next camping trip could improve, in the sleeping department.   

The next day after hiking around and a bit of fishing we headed up to Bear Lake.  Here are the kids with their cousin Hailey looking for sea shells.  This was our first dip in the lake this season and if you've ever been to Bear Lake you know the first dip is always a chilly one!  Dave MADE me jump in, it took me a good 10 minutes to get up the courage.  However, after he asked me when it was I got so chicken, it was on!        

Grandma and Talula, who is catching up on her sleep after a long night.

The next day the kids were begging grandpa to let them ride horses and grandpa always says yes. 

We loaded up the saddles in the back of the truck and were off.  Talua that morning had found an old doll in grandma's toy chest and wouldn't leave her behind.  I think this picture is hilarious.

All saddled up and ready to go, look at this beautiful country side.

     I'm sure grandpa gets a kick out of us city kids trying to ride his horses.  We are usually just along for the ride, where ever the horses feel like taking us that day!     The beautiful country side + a wonderful family
 = Fabulous memories!

Saturday, 26 June 2010

Tuesday's seventh birthday party!

-k- first of all scroll down to my playlist and click on weezer, "Island in the sun" very appropriate :)

Tuesday is turning 7 and it's time to have some fun, we will limbo and dance in the Hawaiian sun. So "hula" on over and wear your suit, we'll also be getting wet it should be a hoot!

"Message in the bottle"
  Here are the invitations I made for the party.... I love scrap paper and look for any opportunity to go pick up some fun prints along with contrasting colors.  I deffinately find my inspiration in the paper when it comes to card making.   

We had a lot of fun putting together Tuesday's Hawaiian themed party.  Here is the table we placed her fun flip flop cake on. 

I have to say making the cake is not half as much fun for me as putting together invitations; however, it's a challenge I like to take on.  Perhaps if I attempted cake decorating more then a few times a year I would be much better at it.  Someday I would like to get some proper cake decorating tools! 

For the luau we served some of Tuesday's favorite: BBQ chicken wings, fruit kabobs , banana  bread, and chips.  I'm pleased to say the girls quite enjoyed it.

The cutest hula girls!

My care free Talula

How low can you go?

Happy Birthday my darling Tuesday!  You are growing up so fast.  I can  remember being in the hospital with you, our first baby like it was yesterday.  (such a cliche I know, but too true)  Your daddy and I have always felt that you are an old soul, so wise beyond your years.  You never cease to surprise me with the things that are on your mind.  You are going to be such a wonderful example to your siblings, a heavy task I know but one that will come natural to you.  You have always been so thoughtful and giving, characteristics like these will make a difference in this world.  We love you more then words can express, you are indeed our princess!  xoxoxox Mom & Dad