Monday, 10 January 2011

Afternoon with the Leaves

One lazy Sunday afternoon the kids decided they wanted a pile of leaves to jump in.  A few minutes later I peek out the window to see how they are coming to find that they had pulled out their sand buckets from the garage and were painstakingly filling up the buckets and dumping them into a pile.  So what does a caring mother do?  That's right; I called to Dave and sent him out to rake up a pile of leaves for the kids.

I remember the first time jumping into a pile of leaves and expecting the landing to be a lot softer then it actually was:)

Sweet Jonah


"A few days ago I walked along the edge of the lake and was treated to the crunch and rustle of leaves with each step I made. The acoustics of this season are different and all sounds, no matter how hushed, are as crisp as autumn air."

- Eric Sloane 

Pumpkins in the cornfields
Gold among the brown

Leaves of rust and scarlet
Trembling slowly down
Birds that travel southward
Lovely time to play
Nothing is as pleasant
As an autumn day!
-John Donne-

October gave a party;

The leaves by hundreds came -

The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,

And leaves of every name.

The Sunshine spread a carpet,

And everything was grand,

Miss Weather led the dancing,

Professor Wind the band.

George Cooper

October's Party.


Sunday, 9 January 2011

2010 memories

I know this post is a bit out of season however, one of my many projects for the new year is to get caught up with my blog and I loved these pics so I decided to start here.  This post is from a camping trip we took this past August in the Sawtooth mountains in Idaho with the cousins.     
on the road to the camp site

I love that I can look at this picture and be taken back to... the windows rolled down, hot summers air hitting my skin and some country song blaring in the background.


the contrast of the blue summers sky against the dirty brown cliffs was'll just have to use your imagination:)

                    Here we are at a rest stop and Tuesday and Jonah found a butterfly in the parking lot.

Beautiful butterfly...Darling children


    Summer vacations are definitely near the top of my list of favorite things to do.  This was one of those trips we were able to let loose and be care free (if not for a few days) and remember what it's like to be silly and in love.

mother nature/weekend therapy

                                                              Talula & Bianca

 This truly had to be one of the dirtiest camp sites I have ever been to. The dirt was so fine that a one simple walk from ones camp chair to the tent and you were covered. Se la vi


look at that face


...may they always remember the joys of childhood

We headed down the canyon from our camp site and found this little stream for the kids to play in. While they were pre-occupied with catching tadpoles we kicked back and cracked open our book.

                                              around the camp fire

                                                  with uncle Dave

                                                            check out the concentration:)

After a successful camping trip we were homeward bound with great anticipation for a hot shower (at least the adults were). On the way we passed this train and I loved the graffiti

     And I am spent!!!  but it's all worth it; to be able to reflect on fond memories in times past.