Sunday, 8 May 2011

O' Christmas Tree

Christmas tree hunting has been a tradition of our family ever since I was a little girl

The adventure always took place the day after Thanksgiving with all my Aunts, Uncles and Cousins in Bear Lake.  Once everyone had finished the exhausting process of putting on layer after layer we would pile into grandpas truck and head for the hills.

Once Grandpas truck was sufficiently stuck in the snow the hunt would begin, well...that is for the adults anyways.  We would spend our time finding the best sledding hill and building a jump that was much bigger then necessary :)

lol, Here is the tree Dave cut down whilst he was not being supervised..It was like 15 feet tall!

Here are some pictures from the rest of the weekend on the farm..I LOVE these pics!

Helping papa feed the cows


Talula loved this calf

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